Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ONoWriMo is doing for me what was intended. I finished the first draft of a novel over the summer, and final draft of another in late August, and so I hadn't written much in a while. Refilling the well, and all that. So ONoWriMo has been very good for getting the engine revving again, and feeding that high of writing a new story. After a very good exchange with Heather, I got out of the dead-end I was heading into and I'm back on track. I finally have some time this weekend to go to the library at SJSU and get some real research done, which will help me feel a lot more comfortable about writing about this time and place

So overall: it's going pretty well, thanks for asking!


  1. Yes!! What this journey of writing is all about... Have a lovely day and a very productive weekend!

  2. ooh, library. I'm so stoked that you found a new way to come at this story.

  3. @Anna - thank you! And I shall, at least until 10 a.m. on Sunday and the Niners game starts :)

    @Heather - chatting with you always helps me get my head straight about my characters
