Monday, December 21, 2009

Myths, Folklore, and Symbolism

Myths, Folklore, and Symbolism

Christmas tree: "Emblem of rebirth, especially the rebirth of light - a solar symbolism dating back at least to the Roman festival of Saturnalia, when evergreen decorations celebrated the death of the old year and the birth of the new. Teutonic Yuletide rites in which fir trees were hung with lights and surrounded with sacrificial offerings are more direct antecedents of the modern decorated tree; Victorian ceremony took this Christmas tradition from Germany. Orbs, stars and crescents on the tree were once cosmic symbols. In the Christian era, the lights and candles came to symbolize souls." (Tresidder)


  1. Lovely! Have a happy Christmas!!

  2. I never knew the history behind the Christmas tree, in fact, I never even thought about it....but now I know! Thanks!

  3. oh, and Happy Holidays!

  4. Happy Holidays to you both!
