Friday, August 17, 2007


My short story, "Stone Windows" has been published in issue #6 of Behind the Wainscot, the short fiction companion site to Farrago's Wainscot. Check it out!


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hi, Julie!

    Just read your "Wainscot" piece -- very elegant and austere. (Although, damned if I can find it again -- that Webpage is infuriating!)

    Anyhow, took the opportunity to look around your blog a bit. Do please come see me -- either I'm going to have to join Blogger or you LJ, to keep up!

    Leave me a comment? Thanks!

    Hugs, Justine

  2. Hi Justine -

    Sorry I've been so long in getting back to you! Thanks for the comment - I'm glad you liked the story!! Did you find it via Behind the Wainscot, or here?
