Thursday, August 23, 2007

Myths, symbols & folklore
The language of flowers, part four:

Laurel leaf: "The victor's wreath befits you not, but the modest wreath of virtue"
Lavender: "The memory of you is my only quiet joy"; also, "Your speech is puzzling"
Lilac: "In your every look and word speaks the beauty of your soul."; also, "Let us hurry to the altar, before our youth has passed!"
Lily (white): "You are as innocent as this symbol of innocence"
Linden blossom: "Sensual love vanishes like the nigh-dew; love from the soul abides like the golden star of day"
Lupine: "In you I found heavenly charms and splendrous blossoms of the spirit combined with those of the heart"
Marigold: "As eternal as the golden ring of his flower, is the purity of my love"
Meadow saffron: "My heart is kindled by love for you, and I gladly follow the divine emotion"
Mignonette: "Like this flower, quietly fragrant, without the pomp of color, you have pleasing talents without outward show"
Mimosa: "The great and beautiful soul that you contain is grounded in your noble, serious pride"

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