Monday, August 10, 2009

The Word-Hoard: Forswart

Forswart: Exhausted by heat. (Rev. John Boag's Imperial Lexicon, c. 1850)


  1. great word choice for today!!! :)))

    so where is Daverport? I'm always on the lookout for a new piece of sand...

  2. I know, right?!

    Oh man, what a day - finally coming back to this. So, when you drive north out of Santa Cruz, on the way to Half Moon Bay, there's a little town at the top of a steep hill on Hwy 1 - there's an old cement plant there, and just across the hwy from the town is a nice beach (you have to climb down the cliffs to get to it), but beyond that by about a mile is Davenport Landing, and you can walk right out to it and it's FAB.

    There's a fantastic little bakery in Davenport (Whale City) and there's a great place for breakfast (Davenport Roadhouse).

    Here's the Google Maps link:,+ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.646818,51.064453&ie=UTF8&ll=37.012834,-122.19243&spn=0.031115,0.049868&z=14&iwloc=A
